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Elevate Disability Advocates

ELEVATE provides a comprehensive Social Security Disability case management career training program that seamlessly integrates FREE education, hands-on practical experience, and real-world application. By leveraging our training, participants effectively advocate for and support individuals in accessing vital mental health treatment and disability benefits. 
Open Space Office


ELEVATE provides in-house case management subscriptions to healthcare practices and organizations. This unique model not only creates employment opportunities for our program participants but also eliminates the reliance on for-profit law and advocacy firms. By offering an alternative approach, we ensure that individuals receive comprehensive support without the financial burden of hefty fees, such as the 25% back pay collected by traditional firms, capped at $7200.

community compass: 

Walking the talk for Social Security Disability rights

Our mission is to assist homeless individuals experiencing disabling mental health conditions in accessing vital mental health treatment and Social Security Disability benefits through direct street outreach. But, that's not all! We also take a proactive approach by offering free comprehensive Social Security Disability case management career path training to those at risk of homelessness.

Together, we can do more! Your donation lights the path to progress and plays a crucial role in fueling our mission by enabling us to expand our impact even further. By donating to ELEVATE, you're not only providing immediate assistance to those experiencing homelessness but also investing in long-term solutions that create lasting change. Join us in building a stronger, more inclusive community where everyone has the opportunity to reach their full potential. 

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